Crows Nest Historical Village will take you through time.
Experience life in Crows Nest back in the day including the original Ray White Shed!
Adults $10
Pensioners (show card) $8
Students (show card) $5
Students (school excursion) $3
Family Rate $25
Free Entry for:
Crows Nest residents, with 1 paying guest
Crows Nest Age Care residents
(Prove of residence will be required)
Experience life in Crows Nest back in the day including the original Ray White Shed!
Adults $10
Pensioners (show card) $8
Students (show card) $5
Students (school excursion) $3
Family Rate $25
Free Entry for:
Crows Nest residents, with 1 paying guest
Crows Nest Age Care residents
(Prove of residence will be required)
Contact Info
- 07 4698 1776
- Cnr New England Highway & Oxford Street Crows Nest QLD 4355
- Crows Nest Museum
Business Hours
Open 7 days 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Last entry 2pm
Last entry 2pm
- Cash Payment