Crows Nest District Men’s Shed

  Local Area: Crows Nest
  # local - Community Groups
Crows Nest District Men’s Shed is a place for members to meet in a convivial atmosphere, gain knowledge and improve their health. It’s a place where they can learn or teach a variety of professional and trade skills, or just relax in the company of other like-minded men. The Men’s Shed also provides opportunities for members to undertake personal, Men’s Shed or community-based projects. Members’ interests span an extensive range of activities. They include woodwork, wood turning, toy making, metal work, small engine repairs, gardening, computing, leather work, library and book group, health and welfare group, music and instrument playing and upholstery. Additional activities to keep pace with membership needs and aspirations will always be considered.

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Business Hours

Monday: 8.00am - 12.00pm
Wednesday: 8.00am - 12.00pm

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